Phone:+7 (499) 135-74-07
This is a veritable kaleidoscope of a house, creating a variety of images as its different facets unfold before us. Or—pick your image—a crystal, which allows one to see far and wide in different directions as it turns. The house is thoroughly integrated into the space around it, serving as the organizing principle for the garden. Winding paths, awnings, little plots of land—all creates a cohesive vocabulary that allows the house and garden to engage in a rich dialogue. The expansive window panes contrast with the facade’s monolithic walls and its vertical and diagonal lines. This contrast is made more nuanced by the finishes, composed of natural materials such as stone and wood. Interior themes include ovals and circles, and are complemented by the flowing lines of furniture and other fine details. The color scheme of the facade and the interior is warm and filled with saturated color, adding to the sense of an inviting, exciting space. The house contains a number of great finds: a cozy wine cellar, creatively shaped stairs, natural rock mosaic designs, and more. Every room has a glimmer of uniqueness that is sure to engage owners and guests alike.